- Our strengths-based approach approach is guided by the latest evidence on effective therapies, including adherence to positive psychology and the Good Lives Model.
Therapy can be delivered in-person or via a web-based platform such as Zoom, Skype, or other video chat application.
Therapy sessions are 50 minutes in duration to allow for therapist note-taking and changeover to next client
The cost of therapy is typically $150 for a 50 minute session. When we can, we try to make accommodations for those on a limited income
- We currently offer a variety of assessment services for offending and non-offending issues.
- Specific learning disorders (dyslexia, dysorthography, dyscalculia)
- Gifted, High Intellectual Potential (HPI)
- Intellectual disability
- ADHD / attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, dysexecutive disorder, behavioral disorder, dyspraxia
- Sequela of acquired pathologies (head trauma, epilepsy, brain tumor, stroke, meningitis)
- School derogation (kindergarten, first year)
- Ontario Disabilities Support Program (ODSP)
Offending behaviour assessment:
- Risk for future sexual offending
- Phallometric (PPG) assessment of sexual interest (we use Limestone Technologies system)
- Risk for future violence
- Risk for Intimate Partner Violence (aka, partner abuse, domestic violence)
The Rockwood Psychotherapy & Consulting training for therapists who work with offenders, and offenders with mental health issues, is a grounded-in-research, interactive, skills-based program designed to enhance therapist effectiveness. Therapists are trained to be sensitive to offenders’ risk, treatment needs, and responsivity factors before, during, and after treatment delivery. This training is guided by empirical research on the factors related to offending and the efficacy of therapists in therapy. This training has been delivered by Rockwood for governmental and non-governmental organizations in more than 30 countries.
Offender program reviews
Due to our extensive experience (clinical, research, training, & publishing) creating, delivering, and consulting on therapy programs in a variety of settings (community, prisons/jails, mental health institutions), we can provide quality assurance assessments on the effectiveness of the delivery and circumstances of therapy provision. Our reviews and recommendations can help ensure adherence to best practices, improve outcomes for clients and the community, and help retain and get the best out of staff. Our reviews include both what is working well and recommendations for improvements, as well as allow access to our extensive resources, such as our treatment program manuals, assessment instruments, and our evidence-based approach to implementing effective offender treatment. Contact us for more information and samples of our materials.
Rockwood has conducted a wide variety of research on offender and therapeutic process issues. Conducting research makes us better clinicians and our clinical work guides our research agenda. Because Liam Marshall has been a Research Director for three organizations and a Research Clinician at a stand-alone mental health institution, Rockwood can support research in other settings, including providing year end summaries of activities.
The Rockwood Psychotherapy & Consulting treatment program manuals are based on our extensive research and experience working with a variety of populations, including offenders of all types and risk levels, in a variety of settings, including the community, hospitals, prisons, and institutions for mentally disordered offenders. The manuals are based on our and other’s research on what is known about appropriate content for and effective delivery of treatment.
For more information about our manuals including downloadable samples, please click here to see our Rockwood Manuals page
Free resources include materials for those working with offenders and those working with clients with mental health challenges.
Offender-Related Materials: (click on link to download a copy of the manual for each resource)
- The
Therapist Rating Scale-2 (TRS-2) is a post-treatment outcome rating scale for those working with offenders and offenders with mental health issues.
- The Group Satisfaction Scale (GSS) is a tool for determining participant/client/patient satisfaction with services.
Mental Health[Related Resources
- We have a version of the GSS for use with clients with mental health challenges that can be used both for groups and for individual therapy, called the Intervention or Service Satisfaction Scale (ISSS).
Other resources for professionals
- We will post here other resources we have created for use in treatment programs.