Curriculum Vitae Liam E Marshall
UPDATED: May, 2022
NAME: Liam E. Marshall
Born: Perth, Western Australia
Dual Citizen: Canada & Australia
Private practice:
Rockwood Psychotherapy & Consulting
518 Dominion Avenue
Midland, Ontario, Canada, L4R 1P8
Office/Fax: 1 (705) 245-5426
Mobile: 1 (705) 433-4733
Academic Appointment:
Assistant Professor
Department of Forensic Psychiatry
University of Toronto
Former Employment, Retired as of July 1, 2022:
Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care
c/o Research & Academics
500 Church Street
Penetanguishene, ON, Canada, L9M 1G3
Office: 1-(705)-549-3181 ext. 2101
College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario, Certificate #5157
B.A. (1st Class Honours), Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 2000.
Thesis topic: Attachment and Adjustment to Dependence in Elderly Women. Supervisor: Dr. W. Gekoski
M.A. (Developmental Psychology), Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 2003.
Thesis topic: A Test of a Four-Category model of Adjustment to Dependence in Elderly Women. Supervisor: Dr. W. Gekoski
Ph.D. (Developmental Psychology), Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, 2010.
Thesis topic: Aging and Sexual Offending: An Examination of Older Sexual Offenders. Supervisor: Dr. R. Lindsay
Electronic Citation Platforms
· Scopus Author ID: 7202595699
· Mendeley Profile: Liam E. Marshall - Mendeley Profile
· Google Scholar: Liam E Marshall - Google Scholar Profile
2004–Present Editorial Board Member: Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention.
2007-Present Invited reviewer: Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment
2008 – Present Editorial Board Member: The Journal of Sexual Aggression.
2010 – Present Invited reviewer for the Journal of Sexual Medicine
2010 – 2021 Associate Editor: Journal of Sexual Offender Treatment
2012, 2013 Invited Reviewer: Journal of Gambling Studies
2013 Invited Reviewer: Criminal Justice and Behavior
2014 Invited Reviewer: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology
2014-Present Editorial Board Member: The Journal of Addiction & Therapy
2015 Invited Reviewer: Journal of Aggression, Conflict, & Peace Research
2015 Invited Reviewer: International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology
2016-Present Editorial Board Member: EC Psychology and Psychiatry Journal
2016 Invited Reviewer: Journal of Offender Rehabilitation
2017-Present Invited Editorial Board Member: Journal of Addiction and Clinical Research
2017-Present Invited Editorial Board Member – Section Editor - Sexual Disorders: Current Psychiatry Reports
2019 Invited Reviewer: International Journal of Forensic Mental Health
- External consultant: State of Pennsylvania Sexual Responsibility and Treatment Program, Torrance State Hospital, Pennsylvania. September 2019-2020
- Therapist and Assessor: Family Connexions Simcoe Muskoka. Approved provider of therapy and risk assessments for men and adolescents accused, charged, or convicted of sexually inappropriate behaviour. May, 2017-Present
- Invited Evaluator: New Jersey State Department of Human Services Special Treatment Unit. Avenel, New Jersey. March, 2015
- Chair, Clinical Program Planning Committee, Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care, Provincial Division. September, 2013-2022
- Research Clinician, Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care. Research & Academics Division and Provincial Forensics. August, 2013 – July, 2022
- Consultant/Evaluation/Programs/Supervision: St. Lawrence Youth Association’s Sundance, Achievement St. Lawrence, and Community facilities and programs for Adolescent Offenders, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. February, 2010 – January, 2013.
- Therapist: Kingston Youth Justice Probation Service: Contracted therapy for sexually offending adolescent males, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, June 2009 – December, 2012.
- External Consultant: Providing consultation to correctional service violent and sexual offender treatment programs in Bermuda and Australia, January, 2009 – 2017.
- Director Evaluation & Research: Royal Ottawa Health Care Group (ROHCG) St. Lawrence Valley Secure Treatment Unit, Brockville, Ontario, Canada: A province of Ontario correctional facility for offenders with severe mental health issues. January 2012 – April 2012
- Co-Director Groups and Evaluation, Royal Ottawa Health Care Group (ROHCG) St. Lawrence Valley Secure Treatment Unit, Brockville, Ontario, Canada: A province of Ontario correctional facility for offenders with severe mental health issues. January 2010 – January 2012
- Consultant: Royal Ottawa Health Care Group (ROHCG) St. Lawrence Valley Secure Treatment Unit, Brockville, Ontario, Canada: A province of Ontario correctional facility for offenders with severe mental health issues. September 2006 – 2009
- Contracted Therapist: Warkworth Institution: Treatment Program for Sexually Offensive Behaviour, Brighton, Ontario, October 2011 – March 2012.
- Contracted Therapist: Millhaven & Joyceville Institutions Assessment Unit Preparatory Treatment Program for Sexual Offenders, Bath, Ontario, September 1999 – 2006; January, 2010 – April, 2010; May, 2012-July, 2013.
- Contracted Therapist: Bath Institution Sex Offenders Treatment Program, Bath, Ontario, May 1998 – September, 2002. December, 2003 – April, 2004; January, 2010 – May, 2010; May 2012-July, 2013.
- Evaluation Committee: Royal Ottawa Health Care Group (ROHCG) St. Lawrence Valley Secure Treatment Unit, Brockville, Ontario, October, 2006–April, 2008 (member), April, 2008–April 2012 (Chair).
- Research & Training Director: Rockwood Psychological Services, Kingston, Ontario, 2002-2017.
- Research & Group Assistant: Bath Institution Sex Offenders' Treatment Program, Bath, Ontario, March 1996-2002.
- Supervised Honour’s theses: 2 (Laurentian University)
- Supervised Master’s theses: 2 (Maastricht University)
- External examiner for PhD thesis: 3 (2 Australian, 1 Swedish)
- Substitute Lecturer: Psychology 336 (Experimental Bases of Behaviour), Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, October 2001, February, 2005.
- Guest Lecturer: Psychology 250 (Developmental Psychology) Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 2003.
- Teaching Assistant:
- Psychology 235S (Abnormal Psychology Correspondence), Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, September 2002-April 2003 September 2003-April 2004.
- Psychology 220S (Cognitive Psychology Correspondence), Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, May-August, 2001; September, 2001-April, 2002.
- Psychology 336 (Experimental Bases of Behaviour), Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, September 2000/2001-May, 2001/2002; January-May 2005.
- 1999: Elginburg & District Public School. One morning per week working with grade 4 and 5 children on reading skills. Teacher/Supervisor: Shelly Desarmia.
- 1999-2002 & 2013: Supervisor for St. Lawrence College Behavioural Science and Technology Students on placement.
- 1997-1999: Cataraqui Clippers Soccer Club. Coach. Under 9s and under 11s.
- 1996-1997: Deseronto Mohawk Sexual Violence Task Force.
- 2017-Present: College of Registered Psychotherapists Of Ontario, Registered Psychotherapist (license #5157). Fully insured.
- 2009-Present: Member, International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO).
- 2006-2014: Member, Ontario Association of Consultants, Counsellors, Psychometrists, and Psychotherapists (OACCPP).
- 2002-2016: Member, Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH), formerly National Council on Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity (NCSAC).
- 2000-Present: Member, Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse (formerly the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers) (ATSA).
- 2018 - Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care Core Value Award: Leadership (Nominee)
- 2017 - Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care Core Value Award: Patient Safety; for work on Falls Risk Tool evaluation
- 2016 – Named a Fellow of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSAF)
- 2015 - Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care Core Value Award: Accountability (Nominated); the Acute Risk of Violence Research Team: Liam Marshall (Team Lead), Laura Ball, Matt Keating, Jennifer Roters, & Jenna Rutherford
- 2012 - Society for Sex Therapy and Research (SSTAR) 2012 Health Professional Book of the Year Award
- 2000-2006 - Queen's University Graduate Student Award
- SSHRC Insight Development Grant (June 2023 - May, 2025), Sibling Sexual Interactions, Leigh Harkins (PI - UOIT), Liam E. Marshall (U of T), Jennifer Roters (Brock U), Rochelle Einboden (U of O), Keiran McCartan (U of the West of England), Lynn Bates (CHEO), $55,000
- Invited member: St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton Forensic Research Network. July 2020-2023
- Professional Practice Lead for Psychotherapists. Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care. February, 2018-2022
- Invited member. Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care’s Evidence-Based Practice Advisory Council (EBAC). February, 2018-2022
- Chair: Safewards Interventions Implementation and Evaluation Committee. Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care. November, 2017-2021
- Invited Member: Violence, Aggression, Responsive Behaviour (VARB) Toolkit Review Committee, Client Risk Assessment Sub-Committee. Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care. October 2017 – February 2018.
- Research Member: Joint Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care and Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences Falls Risk Tool Evaluation Committee. September 2017-October 2017
- Co-Chair: Provincial Forensics Programs Division Security Level System Review Committee. August, 2016-2022
- Co-chair: Level System Steering Group. Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care. December 2014-May 2016
- International Research Advisory Committee, The Maori and Psychology Research Unit. The University of Waikato, New Zealand. October 2014-Present.
- Appointed member: The Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers’ Membership Committee. April 2014 – 2021.
- Co-Chair: Orientation Committee, Research & Academics Division, Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care. March 2014 to 2019
- Consultant/Supporter: Circles of Support and Accountability, Ottawa Branch. 2013-Present
- International Clinical Advisory Committee Group Member - Korowai Tumanako. An Indigenous Sex Offender and Harmful Sexual Behaviour Intervention and Prevention Service, Auckland, New Zealand. 2013-Present
- Affiliate member of the Forensic Psychology Research Centre - Carleton University. 2013-Present.
- Ad hoc member of the Waypoint Research & Academics Division Conference Committee. October, 2013, to 2020.
- Abstract Reviewer: 5th (2012) World Congress on Social Media, Mobile Apps, and Internet/Web 2.0 at Harvard Medical School.
- Abstract Reviewer: 27th (2008), 28th (2009), & 30th (2011) Annual Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers.
- Queen’s University Psychology Department Departmental Committee: Graduate student representative, 2003 – 2004.
- Queen’s University Psychology Department Headship Committee: Graduate student representative, 2002.
- Queen’s University Psychology Department Ethics Review Board: Graduate student representative, January 2001 – June 2003.
- American Foundation for Addiction Research (AFAR) committee on the classification of sexual addiction/compulsivity/hypersexuality, 2001.
Marshall, L. E., Roters, J., Marshall, W. L., Blacker, J., & Weatherston, V. (under revision). Sexual Offending & Adverse Childhood Experiences: Examination of the Abuse Subscale.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2021). A cost–benefit analysis of a treatment program for adult males who have offended sexually, Journal of Sexual Aggression. DOI: 10.1080/13552600.2021.1934133
Olver, M. E., Marshall, L. E., Marshall, W. L., & Nicholaichuk, T. P. (2020). A Long-Term Outcome Assessment of the Effects on Subsequent Reoffense Rates of a Prison-Based CBT/RNR Sex Offender Treatment Program with Strength-Based Elements. Sexual Abuse, 32, 127-153. DOI: 10.1177/1079063218807486
Moulden, H. M., & Marshall, L. E. (2017). Major mental illness is those who sexually abuse. Current Psychiatry Reports. DOI: 10.1007/s11920-017-0863-x
Marshall, W. L., Marshall, L. E., & Olver, M. E. (2017). An evaluation of strength-based approaches to the treatment of sex offenders: a review. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 7 (3), pp.221-228. DOI: 10.1108/JCP-04-2017-0021
Marshall, L. E. (Winter 2016). What is the risk for sexual reoffending in older sex offenders? Prepared for H. M. Moulden (Ed.) Sexual Behaviour Clinic: Did you know? Frequently asked questions from the ATSA Forum, Vol 28(1). Available online:
Ware, J. B., Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2015). Categorical denial in convicted sex offenders: The concept, its meaning, and its implication for risk and treatment. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 25, 215-226. DOI: 10.1016/j.avb.2015.08.003
Marshall, W. L., Smallbone, S., & Marshall, L. E. (2015). A critique of child molester subcategories: a proposal for an alternative approach. Psychology, Crime & Law, 21, 205-218.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2015). Psychological treatment of the paraphilias: a review and appraisal of effectiveness. Current Psychiatry Reports. Advance online publication. DOI 10.1007/s11920-015-0580-2.
Marshall, L. E., Humphries, S., Roters, J., & Davis, A. (2014). Sexual Addiction and Adult Attachment in Incarcerated Sexual Offenders and a Matched Community Comparison Group. Journal of Addiction & Therapy, 1, Issue 1: 007.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2014). A critique of current child molester subcategories: A proposal for alternative approach. Psychology, Crime, & Law, Published online June 25, 2014.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2014). Psychological treatment of sex offenders: Recent innovations. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 37, 163-171.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2012). Integrating strength-based models in the psychological treatment of sexual offenders. Sexual Abuse in Australia and New Zealand, 4, 53-58.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2012). A positive motivational strength-based approach to sexual offender treatment. Forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 19, 94.
Marshall, L. E., O’Brien, M. D., Marshall, W. L., Booth, B., & Davis, A. (2012). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Social Phobia, & Loneliness in Incarcerated Internet Child Pornography Offenders. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 19, 1-12.
Marshall, L. E., & Marshall, W. L. (2011). Empathy and Anti-Social Behaviour. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 22, 742-759.
Marshall, W. L., Marshall, L. E., Kingston, D. A. (2011). Are the cognitive distortions of child molesters in need of treatment. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 17, 118-129.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2011). Can treatment be effective with sexual offenders or does it do harm? Sexual Offender Treatment, (Vol. 5, issue 2, article 87).
Castellino, N., Bosco, F. M., Marshall, W. L., Marshall, L. E., & Veglia, F. (2011). Mindreading abilities in sexual offenders: An analysis of Theory of Mind processes. Consciousness and Cognition, 20, 1612-1624.
Marshall, L. E., & Marshall, W. L. (2010). The factorial structure of The Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST) in sexual offenders and socio-economically matched community non-offenders. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 17, 210-218.
Marshall, L. E., & Briken, P. (2010). Assessment, diagnosis and management of hypersexual disorders. Invited article for Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 23, 570-573.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2010). Attachment and intimacy in sexual offenders: An update. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 25, 1-5.
Marshall, W. L., Booth, B., Bradford, J. M. W., & Marshall, L. E. (2009). Management of mentally disordered sexual offenders. World Psychiatry, 8, 70.
Marshall, W. L., Marshall, L. E., & Ware, J. (2009). Cognitive distortions in sexual offenders: Should they all be treatment targets? Sexual Abuse in Australia and New Zealand, 2, 70-78.
Marshall, W.L., Marshall, L.E., Serran, G.A., & O’Brien, M.D. (2009). Self-esteem, shame, cognitive distortions and empathy in sexual offenders: Their integration and treatment implications. Psychology, Crime & Law, 15, 217-234.
Marshall, W.L., Marshall, L.E., & Serran, G.A., O'Brien, M.D. (2008). Sexual offender treatment: A positive approach. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 31, 681-696.
Marshall, L. E., Marshall, W. L., Moulden, H. M., & Serran, G. A. (2008). The prevalence of sexual addiction in incarcerated sexual offenders and matched community nonoffenders. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 15, 271-283.
Marshall, W.L., & Marshall, L.E. (2008). Good clinical practice and the evaluation of treatment: A response to Seto et al. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 20, 256-260.
Marshall, L.E., Marshall, W.L., Fernandez, Y.M., Malcolm, P.B., & Moulden, H.M. (2008). The Rockwood Preparatory Program for sexual offenders: Description and preliminary appraisal. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 20, 25-42.
Serran, G.A., Marshall, L.E., & Marshall, W.L. (2007). Attachment, intimacy and loneliness in sexual offenders: Treatment strategies for enhancing functioning. International Journal of Psychology Research, 1, 47-57.
Marshall, W.L., Marshall, L.E., Serran, G.A., & O’Brien, M.D. (2007). Skuteczna terapia sprawców przestepstw seksnalnych: program Rockwood. (Effective treatment of sexual offenders: The Rockwood Program). Dziecko Krzywdzone: Teoria, Badania, Praktyka, 18, 113-127.
Marshall, W.L., & Marshall, L.E. (2007). The utility of the Random Controlled Trial for evaluating sexual offender treatment: The gold standard or an inappropriate strategy? Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 19, 175-191.
Marshall, W.L., Marshall, L.E., Serran, G.A., & O’Brien, M.D. (2006). Effective treatment of sexual offenders: The Rockwood Program. Dziecko Krzywdzone: Teoria, Badania, Praktyka.
Marshall, W.L., Marshall, L.E., & Serran, G.A (2006). Strategies in the treatment of paraphilias: A critical review. Annual Review of Sex Research, 17, 162-182.
Marshall, W. L., Marshall, L. E., Serran, G. A., & O’Brien, M. D. (2006). Tratamiento efectivo para los ofensores sexuales. Revista de Terapia Sexual y de Pareja. 25, 36-50.
Marshall, W.L., Serran, G.A., Marshall, L.E., & Fernandez, Y.M. (2006). Recovering memories of the offence in “amnesic” sexual offenders. NotaNews, 53, 5-8 (Reprinted from original).
Marshall, L. E., & Marshall, W. L. (2006) Sexual Addiction in incarcerated sexual offenders. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 13, 377-390.
Marshall, W. L., Ward, T., Mann, R. E., Moulden, H., Fernandez, Y. M., Serran, G., & Marshall, L. E., (2005). Working positively with sexual offenders: Maximizing the effectiveness of treatment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Marshall, W. L., Serran, G. A., Marshall, L. E., & Fernandez, Y. M. (2005). Recovering memories of the offence in “amnesiac” sexual offenders. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 17, 31-38
Marshall, W. L., Marshall, L. E., Sachdev, S., & Kruger, R. L. (2003). Distorted attitudes and perceptions, and their relationship with self-esteem and coping in child molesters. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 15, 171-181.
Marshall, W. L., Thornton, D, Marshall, L. E., Fernandez, Y. M., & Mann, R. (2001). Treatment of sexual offenders who are in categorical denial. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 13, 57-67.
Marshall, L. E., & Marshall W. L. (2001). Excessive sexual desire disorder among sexual offenders: The development of a research project. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 8, 301-307.
Marshall, W. L. & Marshall, L. E. (2000). The origins of sexual offending. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse: A Review Journal, 1, 250-263.
Marshall, L. E., Wallace, M., Kerr, B., & Stark, S. (2015). A Preliminary Examination of Gambling Problems in Mentally Ill Offenders. Journal of Addiction and Therapy, 2 (4): 021.
Cameron, J., Thurlin, M., Hilton, N. Z., Ball, L. C., Marshall, L. E., & Kolla, N. J. (2022). Privacy and safety: Issues of dual compliance in high-secure forensic psychiatric hospitals. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 82.
Roters, J., & Marshall, L. E. (2015). Using an evidence-based approach to the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder within a maximum secure forensic mental health setting. Crime Scene: Psychology Behind Bars and in Front of the Bench (the official organ of the criminal justice section of the Canadian Psychological Association), spring 2015 issues. 24-32
Marshall, W.L., Marshall, L.E., Serran, G.A., & O’Brien, M. D. (2011). Rehabilitating Sexual Offenders: A Strength-Based Approach. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
Marshall, W.L., Marshall, L.E., Serran, G.A., & Fernandez, Y.M. (2006). Treating Sexual Offenders: An Integrated Approach. New York: Routledge.
Marshall, L. E., & Marshall, W. L. (Eds.) (2017). The Wiley-Blackwell handbook on the assessment, treatment, and theories of sexual offending, Volume III: Treatment, D. Boer (series Ed.). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Marshall, W. L., Fernandez, Y. M., Marshall, L. E., & Serran, G. A. (Eds.) (2006). Controversial Issues in Research and the Treatment of Sexual Offenders. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley.
Marshall, L. E., & Roters, J. (in press). Conceptualisations of Sexual Attitudes, Values and Lifestyles in Different Age Categories Across Different Cultures that May Contribute to Sexual Violence. In I. Dickie, T, Beech, & S. Wareham Cultural Responsivity Issues: Treatment of Sexual Aggression. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, UK
Yeoman, Z., Hiscox, S., Shatokhina, K., & Marshall, L. E. (in press). Treating individuals who commit sexual offenses: what to do with denial? In M. Siglag (Ed.) Innovative Treatment Approaches in Forensic and Correctional Settings. Routledge: New York.
Marshall, W. L. & Marshall, L. E. (2022). Strength-based treatments for adults and juveniles who have been sexually abusive: A review. In C. R. Langton & J. R. Worling (Eds.) Facilitating Desistance from Aggression and Crime: Theory, Research, & Strength-Based Practices. John Wiley & Sons Ltd: Hoboken, NJ, USA.
Marshall, L. E., & Fisico, R. (2022).A History of Psychological Treatment in the Criminal Justice System. In E. Jeglic & C. Calkins (Eds.) The Handbook of Issues in the Criminal Justice System. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature
Marshall, L. E. (2021). Antisocial Personality Disorder in Sexual Offenders. In D. Black & N. Kolla (Eds.), the Textbook of Antisocial Personality Disorder. American Psychiatric Publishing.
Marshall, L. E. (2020). The Utility of Treatment for Sexual Offenders. In J. Proulx, F. Cortoni, L. A. Craig, & E. Letourneau (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook on What Works with Sexual Offenders: Contemporary Perspectives in Theory, Assessment, Treatment and Prevention. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Marshall, L. E. & Roters, J. (2019). Approaches to the Psychological Treatment of Sexual Offenders. In R. D. Morgan (Editor in Chief), M. E. Olver (Section Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Criminal Psychology. Thousand Oaks, USA: Sage Publications.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2020). Empathy and sympathy: Their presumed role in sexual offending and in sex offender treatment. In W.D. O'Donohue & P.Schewe (Eds.) Handbook of sexual assault and sexual offender treatment. pp. 229-240. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2018). Sexual Sadism. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. New York: Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_1112-1.
Marshall, L. E., & Marshall, W. L. (2017). Motivating sex offenders to enter and effectively engage in treatment. In D. Wilcox, M. Donathy, R. Gray, & C. Bain (Eds.), Working with Sex Offenders: A Guide for Practitioners (pp. 98-112). Oxon, UK: Routledge.
Marshall, L. E. & Roters, J. (2017). Sex offender treatment in correctional and forensic settings. In J. L. Ireland, C. A. Ireland, M. Fisher, & N. Gredecki (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Forensic Psychology in Secure Settings (pp. 118-130). Oxon, UK: Routledge.
Marshall, W.L., et Marshall, L.E. (2017). Le traitement des délinquants sexuels adultes : une approche basée sur les forces (A strength-based treatment approach for adult sex offenders). Dans F. Cortoni et T. H. Pham (Éds.), Traité de l’agression sexuelle (pp.165-177). Montréal, Canada: Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
Marshall, L. E. (2016). Where to from here? In L. E. Marshall & W. L. Marshall (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell handbook on the assessment, treatment, and theories of sexual offending. Volume: Treatment. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Marshall, W. L. & Marshall, L. E. (2016). The treatment of adult sex offenders. For L. E. Marshall & W. L. Marshall (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell handbook on the assessment, treatment, and theories of sexual offending. Volume: Treatment. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2016). An attachment-based theory of the etiology of affiliative child molestation: Resilience/vulnerability factors across the life-span. In T. Ward & A. Beech (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell handbook on the assessment, treatment and theories of sexual offending (Volume: Theories). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Marshall, L. E., & Marshall, W. L. (2015). Strength-based therapy for sexual offenders. In B. K. Schwartz (Ed.) The Sex Offender (vol. VIII): Insights on Treatment and Policy Developments. (pp. 15.1-15.11). Kingston, New Jersey: Civic Research Institute.
von Franque, F., Marshall, L. E., & Briken, P. (2014). TRS-10. Therapeutic Rating Scale. in D. Richter, E. Brähler, & B. Strauß (Eds.), Diagnostische Verfahren in der Sexualwissenschaft. (1 Aufl., Band 7, S. 207-214). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2014). The paraphilias. In W. Rief (Ed.) Cognitive behaviour therapy for specific disorders (II), Vol. 3 of S. Hofmann, (Ed.), Cognitive behavioural therapy: A complete reference guide (pp. 673-701). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Marshall, W. L., Boer, D., & Marshall, L. E. (2014). Assessing and treating sex offenders. In I. B. Weiner & R. K. Otto (Eds.), Handbook of forensic psychology (4th ed.) (pp. 839-866). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Marshall, W. L.; Marshall, L. E.; Burton, D. L. (2013). Features of treatment delivery and group processes that maximize the effects of offender programs. In J. L. Wood & T. A. Gannon (Eds), Crime and crime reduction: The importance of group processes. (pp. 159-176). New York, NY, US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2013). Ethical issues in treating sexual offenders: Applying empirically-based process features of treatment delivery. In K. Harrison & B. Rainey (Eds.), Legal and ethical aspects of sexual offender treatment and management (pp. 236-250). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Marshall, W. L., Marshall, L. E., Serran, G. A., & O'Brien, M. D. (2013). What works in reducing sexual offending. In L. A. Craig, L. Dixon, & T. A. Gannon (Eds.), What works in offender rehabilitation: An evidence-based approach to assessment and treatment (pp. 173-191). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Serran, G. A., Marshall, W. L., Marshall, L. E., & O'Brien, M. D. (2013). Group or individual therapy in the treatment of sexual offenders. In L. A. Craig, L. Dixon, & T. A. Gannon (Eds., What works in offender rehabilitation: An evidence-based approach to assessment and treatment (pp. 452-467). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2014). Therapeutic processes in sex offender treatment. In M. Carich & S. E. Mussach (Eds.), Handbook of sexual abuser assessment and treatment (2nd ed.). (pp. 89-102). Brandon, VT: Safer Society Press.
Marshall, L. E., & Marshall, W. L. (2014). Self-esteem, empathy and relationship skills training for sex offenders. In M. Carich & S. E. Mussach (Eds.), Handbook of sexual abuser assessment and treatment (2nd ed.) (pp. 177-192). Brandon, VT: Safer Society Press.
Marshall, L. E., & Davis, A. (Submitted, In Press). Sexual Addiction in Incestuous Sexual Offenders. For the Brazilian Chapter of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (ABTOS).
Marshall, L.E., & Marshall, W.L. (2012). The Risk/Needs/Responsivity Model: The Crucial Features of General Responsivity. In E. Bowen & S. Brown (Eds.) Perspectives on evaluating criminal justice and corrections (Advances in Program Evaluation, Volume 13), (pp.29-45). Bingley, U.K: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2012). Treatment of sexual offenders: Effective elements and appropriate outcome evaluations. In E. Bowen & S. Brown (Eds.), Perspectives on evaluating criminal justice and corrections (Advances in Program Evaluation, Volume 13), (pp. 71-94). Bingley, U.K: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Marshall, L. E., & O’Brien, M. D. (2012). Hypersexual desire and behaviour in incarcerated sexual offenders. In B. Schwartz (Ed.), The Sex Offender: Offender, Vol. VII (pp. 13.1-13.23). Kingston, N.J: Civic Research Institute.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2011). The future of sexual offender treatment programs. In D. P. Boer, R. Eher, L. A. Craig, M. H. Miner, & F. Pfäfflin (Eds.), International perspectives on the assessment and treatment of sexual offenders: Theory, practice and research (pp. 683-703). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Marshall, L. E., & Marshall, W. L. (2011). The role of attachment in sexual offending: an examination of preoccupied attachment style offending behavior. B. K. Schwartz (Ed.), Handbook of Sex Offender Treatment. (pp. 12.1-12.9). Kingston, New Jersey: Civic Research Institute.
Marshall, W. L., Serran, G. A., Marshall, L. E., & O’Brien, M. D. (2010). Programme de prise en charge des délinquents sexuels au sein de la clinique Rockwood. In R. Coutanceau and J. Smith (Eds.) La violence sexuelle: Approche psycho-criminologique (pp. 287-305). Paris, France: Dunod.
Marshall, L. E. (2010). Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Offenders. In M. Paludi & F. L. Denmark (Eds.) Victims of Sexual Assault and Abuse: Resources and Responses for Individuals and Families: Volume 2: Resources for Individuals and Families: Criminal Justice, Community, Therapeutic, Educational and Advocacy Responses. Westport, CT, USA: Praeger Publishers.
Serran, G. A., Marshall, W. L., Marshall, L. E., & O’Brien, M. D. (2010). Sexual offender assessment. In J. Brown and E. Campbell (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Forensic Psychology (pp. 307-308). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Marshall, W. L., Marshall, L. E., Serran, G. A., & O’Brien, M. D. (2009). Psychological Treatment of Sexual Offenders. In F. M. Saleh, A. J. Grudzinskas, J. M. Bradford, & D. Brodsky (Eds.) Sex Offenders: Identification, risk assessment, treatment, and legal issues (pp. 159-170). Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
O'Brien, M. D., Marshall, L. E. & Marshall, W. L. (2009). The Rockwood Preparatory Program for Sexual Offenders: The Goals and Methods Employed to Achieve Them. In D. Prescott (Ed.), Building motivation to change among sexual offenders (pp. 118-138). Brandon, VT: Safer Society Press.
Marshall, W. L., Marshall, L. E., & Serran, G. A. (2009). Empathy and offending behaviour. In M. McMurran & R. Howard (Eds.), Personality, personality disorder and violence (pp. 229-240). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Marshall, L. E., & O’Brien, M. D. (2009). Assessment of Sexual addiction. In A. R. Beech, L. A. Craig, & K. D. Browne (Eds.) Assessment and Treatment of Sex Offenders: A Handbook. Chichester, U.K: Wiley.
Marshall, W. L., O’Brien, M. D., & Marshall, L. E. (2009). Modifying sexual preferences. In A. R. Beech, L. A. Craig & K. D. Browne (Eds.), Assessment and treatment of sexual offenders: A handbook (pp. 311-327). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Marshall, W. L., Marshall, L. E., Serran, G. A., & O’Brien, M. D. (2008). Psychosocial treatment of sexual offenders. In F. M. Saleh, A. J. Grudzinskas & J. M. W. Bradford (Eds.), Sex offenders: Identification, risk assessment, treatment, and legal issues (pp. 159-170). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
O’Brien, M. D., Marshall, L. E. & Marshall, W. L. (2008). Sexual addiction. In D.L. Rowland & L. Incrocci (Eds.), Handbook of sexual and gender identity disorders (pp. 587-602). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Marshall, W.L., Serran, G.A., Marshall, L.E., & O’Brien, M.D. (2008). Sexual deviation. In M. Hersen & J. Rosquist (Eds.), Handbook of assessment, conceptualisation, and treatment: Vol. 1, Adult disorders (pp. 590-615). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Marshall, L. E., Serran, G. A., O’Brien, M. D., & Marshall, W. L. (2008). Motivational and therapeutic process in the treatment of sexual offenders. In B. Schwartz (Ed.), The Sex Offender: Offender evaluation and program strategies, Vol. VI (pp.6.1-6.19). Kingston, N.J: Civic Research Institute.
Marshall, L. E., & Marshall, W. L. (2007). Preparatory programs for sexual offender treatment. In D. Prescott (Ed.) Applying Knowledge to Practice: The Treatment and Supervision of Sexual Abusers (pp. 108-123). Oklahoma City, OK: Wood ‘N’ Barnes Publishing.
Firestone, P., & Marshall, L. E. (2007).Sexual and gender identity disorders. In P. Firestone & D. J. A. Dozois (Eds.) Abnormal Psychology: Perspectives. Toronto, Canada: Pearson Education Canada.
Marshall, W. L., Serran, G. A., & Marshall, L. E. (2006). Situational and dispositional factors in child sexual molestation. In R. Wortley & S. Smallbone (Eds.) Situational Prevention and Child Sexual Offending (pp. 37-63). Monsey, NY, USA: Criminal Justice Press.
Marshall, W. L., Fernandez, Y. M. Fernandez, L. E. Marshall & G. A. Serran (2006). Conclusions and future directions. In W. L. Marshall, Y. M. Fernandez, L. E. Marshall, & G. A. Serran (Eds.), Sexual offender treatment: Controversial issues (pp. 275-278). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Marshall, L. E., & Moulden, H (2006). Pre-treatment and psychotherapy with sexual offenders. In W. L. Marshall, Y. M. Fernandez, L. E. Marshall, & G. A. Serran (Eds.) Sexual Offender Treatment: Controversial Issues. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley.
Serran, G. A., & Marshall, L. E. (2006). Mood and coping in sexual offenders. In W. L. Marshall, Y. M. Fernandez, L. E. Marshall, & G. A. Serran (Eds.) Sexual Offender Treatment: Controversial Issues. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley.
Marshall, L. E. (2002). The development of empathy. In Y. M. Fernandez (Ed.), In their shoes: An empathy workbook. Oklahoma City, OK: Wood ‘N’ Barnes Publishing.
Marshall, L. E., & Marshall, W. L. (2002). The role of attachment in sexual offending: an examination of preoccupied attachment style offending behaviour. In B. K. Schwartz (Ed.), The Sex Offender: Current treatment modalities and systems issues. Kingston, New Jersey: Civic Research Institute.
Marshall, W. L. & Marshall, L. E. (2002). Como se Ilega a ser un Delincuente sexual. In S. Redondo & V. Garrido (Eds.), Delincuenia sexual. Barcelona, Spain: Ariel Publishing.
Marshall, W.L., & Marshall, L. E. (2000). Child sexual molestation. In V.B. Van Hasselt & M. Hersen (Eds.), Aggression and violence: An introductory text. New York: Allyn & Bacon.
Marshall, L.E., & Marshall, W.L. (2014). A Motivational Preparatory Pretreatment Program for Sexual Offenders. Manual prepared for Rockwood Psychological Services. Unpublished manuscript available for purchase at
Marshall, W.L., & Marshall, L.E. (2013). A Strength-Based Treatment for Sexual Offenders: A Manual. A manual prepared for Rockwood Psychological Services. Unpublished manuscript available for purchase at
Marshall, W.L., & Marshall, L.E. (2012). The Generic Manual: The Theoretical, Empirical and Procedural Bases of Sexual Offender Treatment. A manual prepared for Rockwood Psychological Services. Unpublished manuscript available for purchase at
Marshall, W. L., Marshall, L. E., Davis, A., Gates, M., Robinson, J., Clarke, S., Follett, J., Spurr, L., McCloskey, L., Stoddart, H., Wallace, M., & Kerr, B. (2012). Treatment manuals for core programs at the Secure Treatment Unit.
McCloskey-Kerr, L., Marshall, L. E., & Marshall, W. L. (2010). A Treatment Program for Intellectually Challenged Sexual Offenders: The Extended Self-Regulation Group. Unpublished manuscript available from Rockwood Psychotherapy & Consulting:
Marshall, L. E., Serran, G., & Cameron, C. (2010). The Group Satisfaction Scale. Unpublished Manuscript available from the first author.
Marshall, L. E., Mann, R., & Webster, S. (2009). The Treatment Refusal Questionnaire-Sexual Offender Version. Unpublished Manuscript available from Rockwood Psychotherapy & Consulting:
Marshall, L.E., & Marshall, W.L. (2009, revised 2011) The Therapist Rating Scale-2. Unpublished manuscript available from Rockwood Psychotherapy & Consulting:
Marshall, L. E., & O’Brien, M. D. (2008). Sexual Desires and Beliefs about Acceptability of Sexual Behaviours Scale. Unpublished manuscript available from the authors.
Marshall, L.E., & Marshall, W.L. (2005) A Motivational Preparatory Program for Sexual Offenders: Manual prepared for the Correctional Service of Canada National Sex Offender Treatment Program - High Intensity. Unpublished manuscript.
Marshall, W.L., Webster, S., Serran, G.A., Marshall, L.E., & Fernandez, Y.M. (2004). The Therapist Rating Scale: Interrater reliability. Unpublished paper, Rockwood Psychological Services, Kingston, Ontario.
Marshall, L.E., & Marshall, W.L. (2004; revised 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012) Training Manual for Therapists who work with Sexual Offenders. Unpublished manuscript.
Fernandez, Y.M., Marshall, W.L., Serran, G., Anderson, D., Marshall, L.E., & Mann, R.E. (2002) Therapeutic process in sexual offender treatment: A manual prepared for the National Sex Offender Treatment Program - Moderate Intensity. Unpublished manuscript.
Marshall, L. E., Sauriol, S., & Justason, V. (2021). Availability, type, and process of the provision of psychotherapy in forensic hospitals: a survey. Report to the Senior Leadership Team of Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care.
Marshall, L. E. (2018). The effect of a revised security level system. Report to the Senior Leadership Team of Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care.
Marshall, L. E. & Bridekirk, J. (2017). Falls risk assessment tools evaluation. Report for the Waypoint Falls Risk Standardization Committee of Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care.
Nash, K., McKee, L., & Marshall, L. E. (2016). Risk for Water Intoxication protocol. Prepared for the Senior Leadership Team of Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care.
Marshall, L. E., McKee, L., & Nash, K. (2016). Risk for Water Intoxication assessment tool: development and validation. Prepared for the Senior Leadership Team of Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care.
Marshall, L. E. (2014). Recommendations for the Clinical Program Planning Committee. Report to the Executive Committee of the Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care Provincial Forensics Division.
Marshall, L. E., & Marshall, W. L. (2011). Report to the Scottish Prison Service: a review of the theory and treatment manuals of the Good Lives Programme for Sexual Offenders.
Marshall, L. E. & Marshall, W. L. (2011). Annual Report 2011: Allied Health and Evaluation. Report to the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group St. Lawrence Valley Secure Treatment Unit and the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.
Marshall, L. E. & Marshall, W. L. (2010). Annual Report 2010: Allied Health and Evaluation. Report to the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group St. Lawrence Valley Secure Treatment Unit and the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.
Marshall, L. E. & Gates, M. (2010). Evaluation of the Behavioural Rewards Program at the St. Lawrence Valley Secure Treatment Unit. Report to the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group St. Lawrence Valley Secure Treatment Unit and the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.
Marshall, L. E. & Gates, M. (2009). Evaluation of Ward Atmosphere at the St. Lawrence Valley Secure Treatment Unit. Report to the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group St. Lawrence Valley Secure Treatment Unit and the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.
Marshall, L. E., Wallace, M., & Kerr, B. (2009). The Prevalence of Drug and Alcohol Problems in Residents of the Secure Treatment Unit. Report to the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group St. Lawrence Valley Secure Treatment Unit. Brockville, ON, Canada
Marshall, W. L. & Marshall, L. E. (2009). Phallometric assessments of sexual offenders: Procedural issues and recommended solutions. Report to the Correctional Services of Canada.
Marshall, W. L. & Marshall, L. E. (2000). Assessment Methods for Sexual Offender Treatment Programs. Report to the Correctional Service of Canada.
Fernandez, Y. M., Marshall, W. L., Serran, G., Anderson, D., & Marshall, L. (May, 1999). Marshall Sex Offender Services: Literature Review and Strategies Manual.
Fernandez, Y. M., Marshall, W. L., Serran, G., Anderson, D., & Marshall, L. (May, 1999). Training Exercises.
Marshall, L. E., & Chan, T. E. (1999). Environmental Influence on Fear of Sexual Assault in Female Queen’s University Students. Report to Queen's University Security Department. Kingston, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (June 16, 2022): Panel discussion on the past and future direction of research in forensic psychiatry. Invited panel member, McMaster University and St. Joseph’s Health Care Hamilton’s International Forensic Psychiatry Lecture Series. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (April 22, 2022): Assessing and Ameliorating the Risk of Escape from Mental Health Hospitals. Invited talk for the McMaster University and St. Joseph’s Health Care Hamilton’s 15th Annual Risk & Recovery Forensic Conference. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (February 4, 2022). Enhancing staff and patient safety in a high-secure forensic hospital. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Canadian Forensic Psychology Virtual Conference. Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Marshall, L. E., Moulden, H., McLachlin, K., & Roters, J. (February 4, 2022). Adverse childhood experiences in forensic psychiatry: prevalence and correlates from two independent Canadian samples. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Canadian Forensic Psychology Virtual Conference. Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Marshall, L. E. (February 4, 2022). The development and validity of the Waypoint Elopement Risk Scales. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Canadian Forensic Psychology Virtual Conference. Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Marshall, L. E. (June 16-17, 2021): Staff and Patient Safety in a Maximum Secure Forensic Hospital. Paper presented at the 20th International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. Virtual Conference.
Marshall, L. E. (June 16-17, 2021): The development of the Waypoint Elopement Risk Scales. Paper presented at the 20th International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. Virtual Conference.
Marshall, L. E. (April 1, 2021) Moidered by Empathy. Invited Talk for Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences’ Grand Rounds. Whitby, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (2021, January 7). Escapes from Forensic Facilities. Invited lecture for the St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton & McMaster University Health Sciences' International Forensic Psychiatry Lecture series. Delivered via Zoom.
Marshall, L. E., & MacNeil, M. (May, 2018). Enhancing staff and patient safety in a maximum secure forensic hospital. Paper presented at the Royal Victoria regional Hospital IGNITE Research Conference. Barrie, Canada.
Marshall, L. E., Bisback, A., & Wright, L. (May, 2018). Sleep, anger, and quality of life in mental health nurses. Paper presented at the Royal Victoria regional Hospital IGNITE Research Conference. Barrie, Canada.
Bisback, A., Marshall, L. E., & Wright, L. (May, 2018). Sleep problems in mental health nurses. Paper presented at the Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care annual conference. Barrie, Canada.
Bisback, A., Marshall, L. E., & Wright, L. (February, 2018). Sleep, anger and quality of life in mental health shift-working nurses. Paper presented at the Ontario Shores 7th annual Mental Health Conference. Whitby, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. & Wright, L. (June, 2017). The effect of capability to consent to pharmacological treatment and medication compliance on violence, seclusion and restraint, and length of stay-in-hospital in maximum secure forensic patients. Paper presented at the 78th annual conference of the Canadian Psychological Association: Toronto, Canada.
Marshall, L. E., Green, M., & Saft, K. (June 2017). A motivation enhancement treatment program for forensic patients. Paper presented at the 78th annual conference of the Canadian Psychological Association: Toronto, Canada.
Wright, L. & Marshall, L. E. (May, 2017). The effect of capability to consent to pharmacological treatment and medication compliance on violence, seclusion and restraint, and length of stay-in-hospital in maximum secure forensic patients. Paper presented at the Waypoint Research Institute 5th annual conference: Barrie, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (February, 2016). Research and Treatment in a Forensic Hospital Setting: A Theoretical Model for Recovery. Presentation for the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) Forensic Forum: Toronto, Canada.
Marshall, L. E., Roters, J., Keating, M., Rutherford, J., & Ball, L. C. (June, 2015). Empirical improvement of staff and patient safety: A user satisfaction survey and a comparison of three measures of risk for inpatient violence. Paper presented at the Waypoint Research Institute 3rd annual conference held at the University of Toronto: Toronto, Canada.
Roters, J., Marshall, L. E., Keating, M., & Ball, L. C. (June, 2015). Adverse Childhood Experiences Affecting Clinical Practice at a Maximum Secure Forensic Mental Health Facility. Paper presented at the Waypoint Research Institute 3rd annual conference held at the University of Toronto: Toronto, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (June, 2015). Strategies for implementing evidence-based interventions in forensic mental health settings. Workshop presented at the Waypoint Research Institute 3rd annual conference held at the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Roters, J., Marshall, L. E., Keating, M., & Ball, L. (April, 2015). Adverse Childhood Experiences Affecting Clinical Practice at a Maximum Secure Forensic Mental Health Facility. Paper presented at the 1st Annual University of Toronto Forensic Conference held at Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care, Penetanguishene, Canada.
Roters, J., Marshall, L. E., J., Keating, M., Ball, L. & Rutherford, J. (February, 2015). Adverse Childhood Experiences Affecting Recovery at a Maximum Secure Forensic Mental Health Facility. Paper presented at the Ontario Shores Research Day conference, Whitby, ON.
Marshall, L. E. (February, 2015). Attachment and Intimacy: Implications for Mental Health Settings. Invited Colloquium for Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care Research & Academics Division. Penetanguishene, Canada
Marshall, L. E. (May, 2014). Strategies for Dealing with Challenging Interpersonal Interactions in a Mental Health Setting. Invited talk for Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care Professional Practice Advisory Committee Annual Conference. Penetanguishene, Canada
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2014). Adjustment to Dependence and Successful Aging. Invited talk for St. Joseph’s Healthcare Clinical Psychiatry Rounds (available on the Ontario Telemedicine Network). Hamilton, Canada
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2014). Implementation of evidence-based interventions in forensic mental health and correctional settings. Keynote presented at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Risk & Recovery Conference. Hamilton, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2014). A strengths-based approach to the treatment of offenders and forensic mental health patients. Symposium presented at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Risk & Recovery Conference, Hamilton. Canada
Wong, S., Jayachandran, A., Traicus, K., & Marshall, L. E. (March, 2014). Implementation of a DBT-CBT-Informed Skills Group in Three Forensic Programs. Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences 3rd Annual Research Day, Whitby, Ontario, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (May, 2012). Evaluations and Research at the Secure Treatment Unit. Keynote talk at the first Mental Health and Corrections: Best Practices and the Secure Treatment Unit Model conference. Ottawa, Canada.
Robinson, J., Chagigiorgis, H., & Marshall, L. E. (September, 2011). Treatment groups for anger management at a Secure Treatment Unit for Psychiatrically Ill Offenders. Paper presented to the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group. Brockville, Canada.
Robinson, J., Chagigiorgis, H., & Marshall, L. E. (June, 2011). Treatment groups for anger management at a Secure Treatment Unit for Psychiatrically Ill Offenders. Paper presented at the Second North American Correctional and Criminal Justice Psychology Conference (NACCJPC). Toronto, Canada.
Robinson, J., Chagigiorgis, H., & Marshall, L. E. (March, 2011). An Examination of a Treatment Group for Anger Management Problems in Incarcerated Mentally Ill Offenders. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Forensic Psychiatry Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. & Humphries, S. (May, 2012). The Therapist Rating Scale-2 and its use in the treatment programs for Domestic Violence. Paper presented to the Partner Assault Response Program of Eastern Ontario. Brockville, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (February, 2012). A Positive/Motivational Approach to the Treatment of Offenders. Paper presented to the Partner Assault Response Program of Eastern Ontario. Gananoque, Canada.
Gates, M., Marshall, L. E., & Alguire, T. (September, 2011). An examination of a treatment group for domestic violence in incarcerated mentally ill offenders. Paper presented to the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group. Brockville, Canada.
Marshall, L. E., Gates, M., & Alguire, T. (June, 2011). An examination of a treatment group for domestic violence in incarcerated mentally ill offenders. Paper presented at the Second North American Correctional and Criminal Justice Psychology Conference (NACCJPC). Toronto, Canada.
Marshall, L. E., Gates, M., & Alguire, T. (April, 2011). A New Approach to the Treatment of Domestically Violent Men: Methods and Outcome. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Forensic Psychiatry Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
Marshall, L. E., Wallace, M., & Kerr, B. (January, 2011). Problem Gambling in the Secure Treatment Unit. Paper presented to the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group. Brockville, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (November, 2010). Gambling: Current Research and Treatment Approaches. Keynote and Public presentation for the British Psychological Society Northern Ireland Branch conference. Belfast, Northern Ireland
Marshall, L. E., Wallace, M., & Kerr, B. (October, 2010). The Prevalence and Features of Problem Gambling in a Secure Treatment Facility for Psychiatrically Disordered Offenders. Paper presented at the Elsevier Addictions 2010 conference. Washington, D.C.
Marshall, L. E., Wallace, M., & Kerr, B. (April, 2010). The Prevalence of Problem Gambling in a Secure Treatment Facility for Psychiatrically Disordered Offenders. Paper presented at the 9th annual conference of the Alberta Gaming Research Institute. Banff, Alberta, Canada
Marshall, L. E. (June, 2022). Invited panelist on the "Future of Research in Psychiatry". International Forensic Psychiatry Lecture Series. St. Joseph's Healthcare. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2022). Assessing and Ameliorating The Risk Of Escape From Mental Health Hospitals. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Risk & Recovery Forensic Conference. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (March, 2022). Effective treatment for those who have engaged in sexually inappropriate behavior. Invited keynote for the Illinois chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers. Elgin, Illinois, USA.
Marshall, L. E. (March, 2022). Motivating and engaging participants in sexual offender treatment. Invited workshop for the Illinois chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers. Elgin, Illinois, USA.
Marshall, L. E. (March, 2022). Core treatment content: addressing dynamic risk factors. Invited workshop for the Illinois chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers. Elgin, Illinois, USA.
Marshall, L. E. (February, 2022). Enhancing staff and patient safety in a high secure forensic hospital: the Acute Risk of Violence Scale. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Canadian Forensic Psychology Virtual Conference. St. Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Marshall, L. E., Moulden, H., McLachlan, K., Roters, J. (February, 2022). Adverse Childhood Experiences in Forensic Psychiatry: Prevalence and Correlates from two independent Canadian samples. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Canadian Forensic Psychology Virtual Conference. St. Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (October 7, 2021) Attachment & Intimacy in Sexual Offenders. Invited Talk for Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences’ Grand Rounds. Whitby, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (2021, August 13). Treatment for sexual offenders in denial: Part II. Invited webinar for Safer Society Press, Vermont, USA. Delivered via Zoom.
Marshall, L. E. (June 16-17, 2021): Effective Treatment for Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 20th International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. Virtual Conference.
Marshall, L. E. (2021, February 16). Treatment for sexual offenders in denial. Invited webinar for Safer Society Press, Vermont, USA. Delivered via Zoom.
University of Saskatchewan annual conference on Violence & Aggression (June 14-15, 2021), Invited Keynote on Effective Treatment for Sexual Offenders
New York State Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (May 18-20): Keynote - Sex offender treatment; Moidered by Empathy; Hypersexuality in sexual offenders
Marshall, L. E. (2021, January 19). Assessment and therapy for those who have offended sexually. Invited talk for Family Connexions Simcoe Muskoka. Delivered via Zoom.
Marshall, L. E. (November, 2019). Sex Offenders in Denial: Treatment and Management. Paper presented at the 38th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Marshall, L. E. (November, 2019). ACEs in Forensic Mental Health. Paper presented at the 38th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Green, M., & Marshall, L. E. (November, 2016). Hypersexuality, Adverse Childhood Experiences, & Psychopathy in Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 35th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Orlando, Florida, USA.
Marshall, L. E. (November, 2016). Treatment of Sexual Offenders in Denial. Paper presented at the 35th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Orlando, Florida, USA.
Marshall, L. E. (November, 2016). Treatment Approaches with Sexual Offenders Presenting with Non-Paraphilic Hypersexuality. Paper presented at the 35th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Orlando, Florida, USA.
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2016). The Current State and Future Directions of Treatment for Sexual Offenders. Keynote presentation for the Minnesota state chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (MnATSA) 20th Annual Conference. Minneapolis, U.S.A.
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2016). An Integrated Strengths-Based Treatment Program for Sex Offenders. Workshop for the Minnesota state chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (MnATSA) 20th Annual Conference. Minneapolis, U.S.A.
Marshall, L. E. & Marshall, W. L. (March, 2016) A strengths-based approach to the treatment of sex offenders. Preconference workshop for Thomas Moore University Forensic Centre conference. Antwerp, Belgium.
Marshall, L. E. (March, 2016) Treatment of Sex Offenders with Mental Health Challenges. Workshop for Thomas Moore University Forensic Centre conference. Antwerp, Belgium.
Marshall, L. E. (October, 2015). Treatment Approaches with Sexual Offenders Presenting with Non-Paraphilic Hypersexuality. Paper presented at the 34th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Montreal, Canada
Marshall, L. E. & Marshall, W. L. (October, 2015). A Strengths-Based Treatment Program for Sexual Offenders. Preconference workshop presented at the 34th Annual Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), Montreal, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2015). A Strengths-Based Treatment Program for Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 1st Annual University of Toronto Forensic Conference, Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care, Penetanguishene, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2015). Older Sexual Offenders. Workshop presented at the 8th Annual Risk & Recovery Conference, St. Joseph’s Healthcare, Hamilton, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2015). Media & Social Engagement around Sexual Offenders and their Management: A Treatment Provider’s Perspective. Keynote for the Leverhulme Conference, Canada, St. Joseph’s Healthcare, Hamilton.
Marshall, L. E. (March, 2015). Effective Sexual Offender Treatment and Management. Full day workshop for the New Jersey state chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers. New Brunswick, New Jersey
Marshall, L. E. (March, 2015). Adverse Childhood Experiences in Sexual Offenders. Paper presented for the New Jersey State Department of Human Services Special Treatment Unit. Avenel, New Jersey.
Marshall, L. E. (March, 2015). Sexual Addiction in Sexual Offenders. Paper presented for the New Jersey State Department of Human Services Special Treatment Unit. Avenel, New Jersey.
Marshall, L. E. (March, 2015). Establishing an effective therapeutic alliance in the treatment of sexual offenders. Workshop for the Virginia Sex Offender Treatment Association. Williamsburg, Virginia.
Marshall, L. E., Roters, J., Keating, M., Ball, L., & Weatherston, V. (October, 2014). Sexual offenders and adverse childhood experiences. Paper presented at the 33rd annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). San Diego, U.S.A.
Pflugradt, D. M., Allen, B. P., & Marshall, L. E., (October, 2014). A Strength–Based Theoretical Model for the Treatment of Female Sex Offenders. Paper presented at the 33rd annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). San Diego, U.S.A.
Marshall, L. E., Roters, J., Humphries, S., & Davis, A. (October, 2014). Sexual Preoccupation and Adult Attachment in Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 33rd annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). San Diego, U.S.A.
Marshall, L. E. (October, 2014). A Treatment Program for Sexual Offenders in Categorical Denial: Description and Outcome. Paper presented at the 33rd annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). San Diego, U.S.A.
Marshall, L. E., Marshall, W. L., Blacker, J., & Roters, J. (September, 2014). Sexual offenders and adverse childhood experiences: abuse subscale. Paper presented at the 13th annual conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Porto, Portugal.
Marshall, L. E. & Marshall, W. L. (September, 2014). A therapist rated scale of post-treatment functioning. Preconference workshop presented at the 13th annual conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Porto, Portugal.
Marshall, L. E. (September, 2014). Implementing interventions in forensic mental health and correctional settings. Paper presented at the 13th annual conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Porto, Portugal.
Marshall, L. E. (September, 2014). Child Molesters. Session Chair: 13th annual conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Porto, Portugal.
Boer, D. & Marshall, L. E. (September, 2014). Future Directions. Plenary Chairs: 13th annual conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Porto, Portugal.
Marshall, L. E., Marshall, W. L., Blacker, J., & Roters, J. (September, 2014). Sexual offenders and adverse childhood experiences: abuse subscale. Paper presented at the 13th annual conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Porto, Portugal.
Marshall, L. E. & Marshall, W. L. (September, 2014). A therapist rated scale of post-treatment functioning. Preconference workshop presented at the 13th annual conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Porto, Portugal.
Marshall, L. E. (September, 2014). Implementing interventions in forensic mental health and correctional settings. Paper presented at the 13th annual conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Porto, Portugal.
Marshall, L. E. (September, 2014). Child Molesters. Session Chair: 13th annual conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Porto, Portugal.
Boer, D. & Marshall, L. E. (September, 2014). Future Directions. Plenary Chairs: 13th annual conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Porto, Portugal.
Marshall, W. L. & Marshall, L. E. (March, 2014). Effective Offender Treatment. Workshop for Corrections Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
Marshall, L. E. (March, 2014). Effective Sexual Offender Treatment. Workshop for the Australia and New Zealand Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ANZATSA), Auckland, New Zealand.
Marshall, W. L. & Marshall, L. E. (March, 2014). Consultation for Victoria Police, Melbourne, Australia
Marshall, L. E., Boer, D., Marshall, W. L. (March, 2014). Expert panel discussion on current sex offender issues. Presented at the Victoria Police Sex Offenders Registry Asia Pacific Conference, Melbourne, Australia
Marshall, L. E. (March, 2014). Aging and sexual offending: an examination of older sexual offenders. Keynote address at the Victoria Police Sex Offenders Registry Asia Pacific Conference, Melbourne, Australia
Marshall, L. E. (May, 2013). Treating Sexual Offenders in Denial. Workshop presented at the 18th annual joint conference of the New York State Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers and the New York State Alliance of Sex Offender Service Providers. Albany, NY, U.S.A.
Marshall, L. E. & Marshall, W. L. (May, 2013). Strength Based Treatment for Adult Male Sexual Offenders. Preconference workshop presented at the 18th annual joint conference of the New York State Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers and the New York State Alliance of Sex Offender Service Providers. Albany, NY, U.S.A.
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2013). Strength Based Treatment for Adult Male Sexual Offenders. Keynote presented at the 28th annual conference of the National Adolescent Perpetration Network. Portland, OR, U.S.A.
Marshall, L. E. (October, 2012). An Empirical Examination of a New Model of Empathy. Paper presented at the 31st annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Denver, CO, U.S.A.
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2012). A Positive/Motivational Strengths-Based Approach to the Treatment of Sexual Offenders. Pre-conference workshop presented at the 16th annual conference of the Minnesota Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (MnATSA). Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A.
Marshall. L. E. (November, 2011). Sex and Sexual Offenders. Invited Symposium Moderator. Symposium at the 30th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Toronto, Canada.
Marshall, L. E., O’Brien, M. D., Woods, M., & Nunes, K. (November, 2011). Sexual Attitudes in Sexual Offenders and two Comparison Groups. Paper presented at the 30th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Toronto, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (November, 2011). Treatment for Sexual Offenders with Problematic Hypersexuality. Paper presented at the 30th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Toronto, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (July, 2011). Treatment Programs and Evaluations at the Secure Treatment Unit. Paper presented at the 32nd International Congress on Law and Mental Health Conference (IALMH). Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
Marshall, L. E. (June, 2011). Group Climate in Sexual Offender Treatment Programs. Paper presented at the Second North American Correctional and Criminal Justice Psychology Conference (NACCJPC). Toronto, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (June, 2011). A Motivational Preparatory Program for Incarcerated Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the Second North American Correctional and Criminal Justice Psychology Conference (NACCJPC). Toronto, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (June, 2011). Aging and sexual offending: an examination of older sexual offenders. Paper presented at the Second North American Correctional and Criminal Justice Psychology Conference (NACCJPC). Toronto, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (Symposium Chair) (June, 2011). Implementation and Evaluation of Treatment Interventions at a Secure Treatment Unit for Psychiatrically Ill Offenders. Symposium presented at the Second North American Correctional and Criminal Justice Psychology Conference (NACCJPC). Toronto, Canada.
Marshall, W. L., Davis, A. J., & Marshall, L. E. (June, 2011). Treatment groups for sexual offending at a Secure treatment Unit for Psychiatrically Ill Offenders. Paper presented at the Second North American Correctional and Criminal Justice Psychology Conference (NACCJPC). Toronto, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2011). A Positive/Motivational Treatment Program for Sexual Offenders. Keynote presentation for the Minnesota state chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (MnATSA) 15th Annual Conference. Minneapolis, U.S.A.
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2011). Implementing a Positive/Motivational Treatment Program for Sexual Offenders. Workshop for the Minnesota state chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (MnATSA) 15th Annual Conference. Minneapolis, U.S.A.
Marshall, L. E. (November, 2010). A Positive-Motivational Approach to the Treatment of Sexual Offenders. Keynote presentation for the British Psychological Society Northern Ireland Branch annual conference. Belfast, Northern Ireland
Marshall, L. E., Looman, J., & Peacock, E. (October, 2010). The Effect of Cascading Through Multiple Levels of Program Intensity on Sexual Recidivism: A Preliminary Report. Paper presented at the 29th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Phoenix, AZ, U.S.A.
Marshall, L. E., Davis, A., Heasman, A., & Maillet, G. (October, 2010). Treatment-Induced Changes in Shame & Guilt and Self-Esteem in Incarcerated Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 29th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Phoenix, AZ.
Marshall, L. E., Marshall, W. L., Gates, M., Alguire, T., & Humphries, S. (October, 2010). A Therapist Rating Scale for Determining Treatment-Induced Change. Paper presented at the 29th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Phoenix, AZ.
Marshall, L. E., O’Brien, M. D., & Marshall, W. L. (September, 2010). Sexual Desires and Beliefs about Social Acceptability in Incarcerated Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 11th annual conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Oslo, Norway.
Marshall, L. E., Looman, J., & Peacock, E. (September, 2010). Does Having Sexual Offenders Complete More Than One Treatment Intensity Level Increase Reductions in Recidivism? Paper presented at the 11th annual conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Oslo, Norway.
Marshall, L. E., Marshall, W. L., Humphries, S., Serran, G. A., O’Brien, M. D. (September, 2010). A Therapist Rating Scale for Determining Treatment-Induced Change. Paper presented at the 11th annual conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Oslo, Norway.
Marshall, L. E. (Symposium Chair) (September, 2009). Hypersexual Behavior and Desire in Sexual Offenders. Symposium presented at the 28th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Dallas, Texas.
Marshall, L. E., & O’Brien, M. D. (September, 2009). Treatment for Incarcerated Sexual Offenders with Problematic Hypersexual Behavior. Paper presented at the 28th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Dallas, Texas.
Marshall, L. E., O’Brien, M. D., & Kingston, D. (September, 2009). Problematic Hypersexual Behavior in Incarcerated Sexual Offenders and a Matched Comparison Group. Paper presented at the 28th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Dallas, Texas.
Serran, G. A., Marshall, L. E., O’Brien, M. D., & Marshall, W. L. (September, 2009). A comparison of maladaptive schemas, attachment, and shame and guilt in sexual offenders and community participants. Paper presented at the 28th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Dallas, Texas.
Davis, A., Marshall, L. E., Gates, M., Humphries, S. (September, 2009). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Sexual Offending, and Phallometrically Assessed Deviance. Paper presented at the 28th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Dallas, Texas.
Greene-Henderson, L., Scott, M., & Marshall, L. E. (September, 2009). Sexual Offending in Bermuda: Attachment. Paper presented at the 28th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Dallas, Texas.
Marshall, L. E. (September, 2009). The Relationship between Shame and Guilt and Sexual Preoccupation in Sexual Offenders. Keynote speech delivered at the annual conference of the National Organization for the Treatment of Abusers (NOTA). York, England.
Marshall, L. E. (September, 2009) Ageing and Sexual Offending. Seminar delivered at the annual conference of the National Organization for the Treatment of Abusers (NOTA). York, England.
Marshall, L. E. (September, 2009) Denial in Sexual Offenders. Pre-conference workshop delivered at the annual conference of the National Organization for the Treatment of Abusers (NOTA). York, England.
Marshall, L. E., & Davis, A. (April, 2009). Incestuous Mentally Disordered Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference of the Brazilian Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (ABTOS). Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Marshall, L. E. (August, 2009). Sexual Addiction in Incestuous Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference of the Brazilian Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (ABTOS). Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Booth, B., Bradford, J. M. W., Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E (April, 2009). Treatment for Mentally Disordered Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the annual conference of the World Congress of Psychiatry. Florence, Italy.
Marshall, L.E. (Symposium Chair) (October, 2008). Group Process in a Positive Motivational Treatment Program for Sexual Offenders. Symposium presented at the 27th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Atlanta, USA.
Marshall, L.E., Marshall, W. L., Serran, G. A., & O’Brien, M. D. (October, 2008). Group Process in a Positive Motivational Treatment Program for Sexual Offenders: Group Climate. Paper presented at the 27th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Atlanta, USA.
Davis, A., Marshall, L. E., Bradford, J. M. W., & Marshall, W. L. (October, 2008). Group Climate in a program for seriously mentally ill sexual offenders. Paper presented at the 27th annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). Atlanta, USA.
Marshall, L. E., Bradford J. M.W., Booth B., & Marshall W. L. (August, 2008). Operating a unit for mentally disordered sexual offenders. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Cape Town, South Africa.
Marshall, L. E. (August, 2008). A Treatment Program for Sexual Offenders in Categorical Denial Paper presented at the 10th International Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Cape Town, South Africa.
Marshall, L. E. (August, 2008). Group Climate: Differences between Open-Ended versus Closed Groups. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Cape Town, South Africa.
Marshall, L. E. (August, 2008). Sexual Addiction in Sexual Offenders: Prevalence, Correlates, and Issues. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Cape Town, South Africa.
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2008). Group Climate and Process in the Treatment of Sexual Offenders. Keynote address for the Scottish National Organization for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (SNOTA). Sterling, Scotland.
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2008). Attachment and Sexual Offenders. Two-part workshop for the Scottish National Organization for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (SNOTA). Sterling, Scotland.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (April, 2008). Sexual Offender Treatment for Offenders with Serious Mental Illness. Workshop for the Scottish National Organization for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (SNOTA). Sterling, Scotland.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (April, 2008). Positive Motivational Treatment for Sexual Offenders. One-day workshop for the National Organization for the Treatment of Abusers (NOTA), Leicester, UK.
Marshall, L. E. (Symposium Chair) (November, 2007). Current Issues in Phallometry. Symposium presented at the 26th Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), San Diego, USA.
Saelhof, M., Marshall, L. E., Marshall, W. L., & Bradford, J. (November, 2007). Pornography Use and Phallometric Responsivity in Adult Male Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), San Diego, USA.
Marshall, L. E., & Fernandez, Y. M. (November, 2007). Mood and Phallometric Testing in Incarcerated Adult Male Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), San Diego, USA.
Marshall, L. E., & Marshall, W. L. (November, 2007). Motivational processes in the treatment of sexual offenders. Pre-conference workshop presented at the 26th Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), San Diego, USA.
Marshall, L.E. (September, 2007). Sexual Offender Sexual Addicts: Characteristics and Treatment Strategies. Two part paper presented at the 18th annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH). Las Vegas, USA.
Marshall, L.E. (October, 2006). Sexual Addiction and Psychopathy in Incarcerated Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 17th annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH). Chicago, USA.
Marshall, L. E. (September, 2006). A Descriptive and Phallometric Examination of Elderly Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 9th Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Hamburg, Germany.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2006). Therapeutic Process in the Treatment of Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 9th Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO). Hamburg, Germany.
Marshall, L. E. (May, 2006). A Descriptive and Phallometric Examination of Elderly Sexual Offenders. Presentation for the South Australia Department of Corrective Services, Adelaide, Australia.
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2006). A Descriptive and Phallometric Examination of Elderly Sexual Offenders. Presentation for the Victoria Department of Corrective Services, Melbourne, Australia.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (April, 2006). Overview of Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Offenders. Presentation for the Victorian Offender Treatment Association, Melbourne, Australia.
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2006). Conducting Research in a Prison Setting. Presentation for the New South Wales Department of Corrective Services, Sydney, Australia.
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2006). A Descriptive and Phallometric Examination of Elderly Sexual Offenders. Presentation for the New South Wales Department of Corrective Services, Sydney, Australia.
Marshall, L. E. (February, 2006). Conducting Research in a Prison Setting. Presentation for the Scottish Prison Service, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Marshall, L. E. (February, 2006). A Preparatory Program for Sexual Offenders. Presentation for the Northern Ireland Prison Service, Templepatrick, Republic of Northern Ireland.
Fernandez, Y. M., & Marshall, L. E. (November 2005). Mood State and Phallometric Testing in Incarcerated Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), Salt Lake City, USA.
Marshall, L. E., & Marshall, W. L. (November, 2005). Motivational and Therapeutic Processes in the Treatment of Sexual Offenders. Pre-conference Workshop presented at the 24th Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), Salt Lake City, USA.
Marshall, L. E. & Marshall, W. L. (October, 2005). Pretreatment Programs for Sexual Offenders. Institute presented at the Midwest Conference on Child Sexual Abuse, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.
Marshall, L. E. (October, 2005). Attachment and Sexual Offenders. Workshop presented at the Midwest Conference on Child Sexual Abuse, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.
Marshall, L. E. (September, 2005). A Motivational Preparatory Program for Sexual Offenders. Workshop presented at the annual Treatment and Research Conference of the National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers (NOTA), Dublin, Ireland.
Marshall, L. E. (Symposium Chair) (October, 2004). The Value of a Motivational Preparatory Program for Sexual Offenders. Symposium presented at the 23rd Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Albuquerque, USA.
Moulden, H. M., Marshall, L. E., & Marshall, W. L. (October, 2004). The Effectiveness of a Preparatory Program for Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Albuquerque, USA.
Malcolm, P. B., Marshall, L. E., & Marshall, W. L. (October, 2004). The Impact of Early Intervention using a Matched Control: From Readiness to Recidivism. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Albuquerque, USA.
Marshall, L. E., Marshall, W. L., Malcolm, P. B., & Fernandez, Y. M. (October, 2004). The Rockwood Psychological Services & Millhaven Specialized Sexual Offender Assessment Unit’s Motivational Preparatory Program. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Albuquerque, USA.
Marshall, L. E., Moulden, H. M., & Marshall, W. L. (October, 2004). An Examination of Preoccupied Attachment and Offence Behavior in Incarcerated Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Albuquerque, USA.
Marshall, L. E., Moulden, H. M., Serran, G. A., & Marshall, W. L. (October, 2004). Sexual Addiction and Psychopathy in Incarcerated Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Albuquerque, USA.
Marshall, L. E. (October, 2004). Sexual Offenders and Sexual Addiction. Plenary at the annual conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO), Athens, Greece.
Fernandez, Y. M., & Marshall, L. E. (October, 2004). Working with Resistant Clients in Sexual Offender Therapy. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO), Athens, Greece.
Sparks, J., Bailey, W., Marshall, W. L., & Marshall, L. E. (2003). Shame and Guilt in Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, St Louis, USA.
Fernandez, Y. M., Mann, R, & Marshall, L. E. (October, 2002). Working with Resistant Clients in Sexual Offender Therapy. Pre-conference workshop presented at the 21st Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Montreal, Canada.
Serran, G. A., Marshall, L. E., Moulden, H., & Marshall, W. L. (November, 2001). An Exploration of Mood State and Sexual Compulsivity in Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, San Antonio, USA.
Marshall, L. E., Malcolm B., & Mailloux, D. (November, 2001). Historical, Recidivist, & First-Time Elderly Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, San Antonio, USA.
Marshall, L. E., Marshall W. L., Serran, G. A., & Moulden, H. (November, 2001). Mood Induction with Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, San Antonio, USA.
Marshall, L. E. (May, 2001). Sexual Offenders and Sexual Addiction. Invited speaker at the 12th annual conference of the National Council on Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity (NCSAC), San Diego, USA.
Marshall, L. E. (March, 2001). Sexual Offenders and the Sexual Addiction Model. American Foundation for Addiction Research (AFAR) committee on the nosology of sexual addiction, March 2001.
Marshall, L. E., Marshall W. L., Schlank, A. (November, 2000). Dealing with Denial in the Treatment of Sexual Offenders. Pre-conference workshop presented at the 19th Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, San Diego, U.S.A.
Marshall, L. E., Marshall W. L., Moulden, H. (November, 2000). Sexual Addiction, Substance Abuse, Coping, and Sexual History in Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, San Diego, U.S.A.
Marshall, L. E., Marshall W. L., Moulden, H. (November, 2000). Mood Induction with Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, San Diego, U.S.A.
Marshall L. E. (May, 2000). Addressing Denial in Convicted Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 1st National Sexual Violence Prevention Conference hosted by the United States of America Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA), Dallas, U.S.A.
Marshall L. E. (May, 2000). The Role of Attachments and Intimacy in Sexual Offending and in the Treatment of the Offender. Paper presented at the 1st National Sexual Violence Prevention Conference hosted by the United States of America Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA), Dallas, U.S.A.
Marshall, L. E., & Salas-Arujo, L. M. (September, 1999). Attachment, Loneliness and Offense Violence in Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Orlando, U.S.A.
Marshall, L. E. (September, 1999). Childhood Attachment and Adult Attachment in Incarcerated Adult Male Sexual Offenders. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Orlando, U.S.A.
Marshall, L. E., & Marshall, W.L. (October, 1998). Sexual addiction and substance abuse in sexual offenders. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Treatment and Research Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Vancouver, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (September, 2013). The Good Lives Model of Offender Treatment. Invited talk for Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care, Oak Ridge, Allied Health staff.
Marshall, L. E. (April, 2009). The Effect of Aging on Sexually Offensive Behaviour. Invited talk to Royal Ottawa Health Care Group staff. Brockville, Ontario.
Davis, A., & Marshall, L. E. (March, 2009). Group Climate in a Treatment Program for Mentally Disordered Sexual Offenders. Invited talk to Royal Ottawa Health Care Group staff. Brockville, Ontario.
Marshall, W. L., & Marshall L. E. (September, 2007). Motivational factors in offender treatment. Invited talk to Correctional Service of Canada staff, Kingston, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (March, 2007). A Positive Psychology view of Ageing. Invited talk to medical students and, patients, staff and relatives of St. Mary’s of the Lake Hospital, Kingston, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (March, 2007). Sexual Offenders. Invited talk to Belleville Sexual Assault Crisis Centre staff, Belleville, Canada.
Marshall, L. E. (December, 2001, March, 2002). Sex Offender Therapy and Research. Invited talk to St. Lawrence College Behavioural Science Technology & Crime and Corrections students.
Marshall, L. E. (November, 1999, November, 2000, April, 2001, April, 2002). Sex Offender Therapy and Research. Invited talk to St. Lawrence College Violence Against Women and Children students.
Marshall, L. E. (November, 1998). Sexual Offender Therapy and Research. Invited talk to St. Lawrence College Interviewing and Counselling students.
Arizona State chapter of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (AZATSA). Current Issues in Sexual Offender Treatment. Phoenix, AZ. May 7, 2010
Australian Northern Territories Department of Corrections. Training and consultation for staff who work with sexual offenders. Darwin, Australia, June 30-July 4, 2008; August 24-28, 2009.
Bermuda Department of Court Services. Training for those who work with sexual offenders. Hamilton, Bermuda, March 14-18, 2016.
Bermuda Department of Corrections. Training for prison and parole staff and therapists who work with sexual offenders. Hamilton, Bermuda, September 8-12, 2008.
California Department of Mental Health Services. Training for staff who work with sexually violent predators. Coalinga, California, USA, May 3-6, 2010.
Catholic Church of Australia, Dealing with Clergy Sexual Offenders, Sydney, Australia, August 13, 2004.
Centacare Tasmania, Sexual Offender Treatment and Research, Hobart, Australia, July 28-29, 2004.
Centre for Mental Health & Addiction, University of Toronto, Training for Therapists who work with Sexual Offenders, Toronto, Canada, June 23, 2005; May 25-27, 2009.
Correctional Service of Canada, Prairie Region. Training for staff who work with sexual offenders. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. February 8-10, 2011.
Danish Forensic Association. Current Issues in Sexual Offender Treatment. Bernstorff Castle, Denmark: August 29-31, 2010
Estonian Prison Service. Training for staff treating sexual offenders. Tallinn, Estonia. April 1-5, 2019.
Finnish Prison Service. Training for staff providing treatment to sexual offenders. Helsinki, Finland. September 3-7, 2018; April 8, 2019.
Her Majesty’s Cayman Islands Prison Service. Sexual Offender Treatment and Research. Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. March 25-28, 2013; February 23 to 27, 2015.
Her Majesty’s Prison Service. Rolling Programme for Sexual Offenders. London, England, May 13-17, 2002; May 12-16, 2003; September 29-October 3, 2003; January 26-30, 2004; September 27-October 1, 2004.
Illinois Department of Corrections. Training for therapists and prison and parole staff who work with sexual offenders. Marion, Illinois, June 27-29, 2006.
Illinois Department of Mental health and the Illinois Department of Corrections. Current Issues in Sexual Offender Treatment: High Risk Offenders, Motivation and Psychopathy. Springfield, Illinois, USA. May, 2009.
Institute of Sexual Psychology. Training for therapists who work with sexual offenders. Berlin, Germany, July 13-15, 2011.
Irish Correctional Service. Dealing Effectively with High Risk Offenders. Dublin, Ireland, May 31, 2010.
Irish Prison Service. Training for therapists who work with sexual and violent offenders. Dublin, Ireland, September 14-16, 2009; March 14-15, 2018.
Korean Institute of Criminology. Training for therapists who work with sexual and other offenders. Seoul, July 23 – July 27, 2012.
Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie, und Präventive Medizin. Training for therapists working with sexual offenders. Bochum, Germany, March 10-11, 2016
Manitoba Ministry of Justice. Training for therapists who work with sexual offenders. Winnipeg, Canada. December 3 to 7, 2018.
Michigan Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers & the Michigan Department of Corrections. Training for Professionals Working with Sexual Offenders. Lansing Michigan, October 5, 2017.
Minnesota Health Services, Minnesota Sex Offender Program (Civil Commitment Centers). Workshop for therapists and other staff who work with sexual offenders. St. Paul, Minnesota, April 11, 2016.
Minnesota Health Services, Minnesota Sex Offender Program (Civil Commitment center). Workshop for therapists and other staff who work with sexual offenders. Moose Lake, Minnesota, October 13, 2011.
Minnesota Health Services, Minnesota Sex Offender Program (Civil Commitment center). Training for therapists who work with sexual offenders. Moose Lake, Minnesota, January 23-February 3, 2012.
Minnesota Health Services, Minnesota Sex Offender Program (Civil Commitment center). Training for therapists who work with sexual offenders. St. Peter, Minnesota, April 9-17, 2012.
Missouri Department of Health Services (SORTS). Training for staff who work with sexual offenders. Farmington, Missouri, April 28-29, 2014.
Nebraska Department of Corrections. Training for therapists and prison and parole staff who work with sexual offenders. Lincoln, Nebraska, May 14-18, 2007.
New South Wales Prison Service. Training for Therapists who work with Sexual and Violent Offenders. Sydney, Australia, July 25-29, 2005; March 13-24, 2006; April 23-27, 2007; June 2-6, 2008; August 31 – September 4, 2009.
New Zealand Prison & Parole Services. Training for Therapists who work with Sexual Offenders. Auckland, New Zealand, August 16-20, 2004, Christchurch, New Zealand, May 12-16, 2008.
Northern Ireland Prison Service. Rolling Programme for Sexual Offenders. Belfast, Northern Ireland, February 20-24, 2006; May 24-28, 2010.
Ontario Provincial Correctional Service (OCI). Training for therapists who work with sexual offenders. Brampton, Ontario, Canada. June 6-9, 2006.
Ontario Provincial Prison Service & Royal Ottawa Health Care Group. Training for Therapists who work with Sexual Offenders. Brockville, Canada, June 14, 2005.
Ontario Provincial Prison Service & Royal Ottawa Health Care Group. Onsite Training and Supervision for Therapists who work with Sexual Offenders. Brockville, Canada, February 2006-October 2006.
Queensland Prison Service. Training for Therapists who work with Sexual Offenders. Brisbane, Australia, August 2-6, 2004, June 27-July 22, 2005; March 27-April 7, 2006; April 16-20, 2007; May 19-30, 2008; August 14-21, 2009.
Rampton Hospital. Training for therapists and hospital staff who work with mentally disordered sexual offenders. Rampton, United Kingdom: December 17-21, 2007; September 21, 2009.
Rockland Psychiatric Center, Office of Mental Health, State of New York State. Training for Psychologists Working with Sexual Offenders. Orangeburg, New York. March 23-24, 2015
Safer Society and the Vermont Department of Corrections. Current Issues in Sexual Offender Treatment. Burlington, Vermont, USA. June, 2009
Sandridge Correctional Centre, Wisconsin Correctional Service. Training for Therapists who work with Sexual Offenders. Mauston, Wisconsin, USA, October 20-21, 2005.
Scottish chapter of the National Organization for the Treatment of Abusers (NOTA). Sexual Offender Treatment Issues: Dealing with Denial in Sexual Offenders. Stirling, Scotland. September, 2009.
Scottish Prison Service. Rolling Programme for Sexual Offenders. Edinburgh, Scotland, December 12-16, 2003; December 6-10, 2004; December 5-9, 2005; March 12-16, 2007; December 3-7, 2007; January 19-23, 2009; September 17, 2009; May 17-21, 2010.
Singapore Ministry of Youth, Culture, & Sports. Training for staff who work with sexual offenders. Singapore, August 22 – September 1, 2011.
Singapore Ministry of Youth, Culture, & Sports and Singapore Correctional Service. Training for therapists who work with sexual and other offenders. Singapore, July 30 – August 3, 2012.
Singapore Correctional Service. Training for therapists working with sexual offenders. Singapore, January 28 – February 1, 2019.
South African Department of Corrections. Training for prison and parole staff who work with sexual offenders. Capetown, S.A., August 26, 2008.
South Australia Prison Service. Training for Therapists who work with Sexual Offenders. Adelaide, Australia, July 12-16, 2004; April 18-21, 2006.
South Carolina Sexually Violent Predator Treatment Program. Training for therapists and staff who work with sexually violent predatory offenders. Columbia, South Carolina: January 14-18, 2008.
St. Nicholas Hospital. Training for therapists and hospital staff who work with sexual offenders. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, United Kingdom: December 10-14, 2007.
Swedish Prison Service. Training for therapists who work with sexual offenders. Gothenberg, Sweden, September 7-11, 2009, September 6-8, 2010, September 12-16, 2011.
United States Military. Training for therapists working with sexual offenders. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: March 29-31, 2017.
Victoria Prison Service. Training for Prison & Parole Staff who work with Sexual Offenders. Melbourne, Australia, July 26-27, 2004.
Victoria Prison Service. Training for Therapists who work with Sexual Offenders. Melbourne, Australia, July 19-23, 2004; April 10-13, 2006; April 10-13, 2007; June 10-13, 2008.
Washington State Department of Corrections. The Treatment of Sexual Offenders in Categorical Denial. One-day Workshop. Spokane, Washington; September, 2015.
Waypoint Mental Health Centre. Training for staff who work with sexual offenders. Penetanguishene, Ontario, Canada, May 30-31, 2011.
Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care. Training for staff to work with sexual offenders. Penetanguishene, Ontario, Canada, January 26-28, 2015; March 2-4, 2015; May 1-3, 2019.
West Australian Department of Corrections. Training and consultation for staff who work with sexual offenders. Perth, Western Australia, June 16-27, 2008.
Wisconsin Department of Corrections. Training for therapists who work with sexual offenders. Madison, Wisconsin, October 11-12, 2011.
Women Against Registry. The Rockwood Treatment Program for Sexual Offenders. Invited Teleconference presentation. May 7, 2019
Corbeth, L. E. (2017). My courage to tell: Facing a childhood bully and reclaiming my inner child. Self published. Available from Invited expert.
Scientists test use of virtual reality to diagnose pedophilia. Virtual reality is being used as a way to diagnose pedophilia. A handful of scientists are testing a controversial practice of using Virtual Reality. August 14, 2016, PBS (United States)
Controversy swirls around using virtual reality to diagnose pedophilia. A handful of scientists are testing a controversial practice of using virtual reality to diagnose pedophilia in men in hopes of helping them manage their sexual desires. August 12, 2016 | (United States)